Our pleasant class trip to Lake Eder

We all met at the school ent­rance and tal­ked to each other. Then the coach came and the dri­ver took our lug­ga­ge and put it in the base of the coach. After that, we all cho­se a place to sit. The coach star­ted the engi­ne and we were off. Ever­yo­ne was exci­ted. After three hours, we final­ly arri­ved. A woman told us the house rules. We wal­ked to a jet­ty and were dri­ven with a boat to the other side of the lake. Then we wal­ked to a tree top walk while ans­we­ring ques­ti­ons from a sheet of paper. After­wards we went back to the sum­mer­house. We recei­ved our beds­heets and went to our rooms. The boys were in the yel­low and green part of the buil­ding and the girls were in the blue and red part of the buil­ding. We all went to the restau­rant and the chef told us were ever­y­thing was kept. On that day we ate pas­ta with dif­fe­rent sau­ces. As des­sert we had a straw­ber­ry yogurt. We went back after the des­sert. We play­ed out­side but some peo­p­le stay­ed insi­de. In the evening we had one last chat and at nine o´clock ever­y­bo­dy went to their rooms; howe­ver we all were still wide awa­ke and tal­king loud­ly. We had to go to bed at ten p.m., but it was loud until ´mid­night. That day was one of the most exci­ting days of the trip.


Mrs. Tschä­bu­nin woke us at 7 a.m. We were tired. Then we chan­ged our clo­thes and went to break­fast. We were hun­gry. The­re was a lot of food. Ever­yo­ne tal­ked with his or her fri­ends. We made our packed lun­ches. It was fun­ny becau­se we tal­ked about fun­ny the­mes. Then we went back to our rooms and packed our bags. After that, we went to the bridge. We were exci­ted becau­se it was the first time of sailing.

We lear­ned to assem­ble the sail, to steer the boat and to be on a boat wit­hout a tea­cher. Then we had a break in the sai­ling school. We play­ed, we bought ice cream and we ate our packed lun­ches. After the break we had to learn some theo­re­tics in the sai­ling school. We lear­ned some rules for sai­ling and some other things, but it was bor­ing for us.

After sai­ling we went back to the housing. Then we had some time to chan­ge our clo­thes and to do other things. After that we went to din­ner. We were hun­gry. The­re was fish and steak for din­ner. The food was very tasty. Then we went back to the housing and we play­ed games or tal­ked and we had fun.

At 9 p.m. we were rea­dy to go to bed and we were in our bed­rooms. Then we did some­thing quiet in our rooms. We weren’t tired. At 10 p.m. we went to bed and slept.

In the mor­ning Mrs. Tschä­bu­nin woke us at seven o‘clock. We got dres­sed and ever­yo­ne went to break­fast. After we ate, we could still play out­side. Then we went back to the hos­tel. We packet our packed lunch in our back­packs and brushed our tee­th. At nine o‘clock the hiking group wal­ked away, to one side of the dam. When we arri­ved we took a litt­le break and ate our packed lunch. When we finis­hed eating, we went to the dam. On the way the­re, we kept on mee­ting other peo­p­le and said ”moin“; they ans­we­red back with ”hel­lo“.
Then we went to the city cen­ter and dipped our feet into a well while eating ice cream. In the end, we went to the bus and dro­ve back. During that time, they for­med sai­ling groups and had been sai­ling all the time. When we were at the hos­tel at about 3 p.m., we all took a show­er. Then the­re was din­ner at 6 p.m. The­re was meat with rice or chips. After din­ner, we went back to the hos­tel. We play­ed, tal­ked and pho­ned the par­ents. After that, we met the boys in the Kajü­te. The Kajü­te is a room to meet. At about 8 p.m. we were rea­dy for bed. We brushed our tee­th and put on our paja­mas on. At 9 p.m., Mrs. Tschä­bu­nin came in and loo­ked if we were in bed. She told us to turn off the lights at 10 p.m. Then we still tal­ked and fell asleep.


It was a warm, sun­ny mor­ning at our house and the tea­chers woke us up at 7 o’clock a.m. and we got rea­dy for the day. Then we met at 8 o’clock for break­fast in the big room, after that tasty break­fast we made our lunch­box. Befo­re our acti­vi­ties we went back home and packed our back­pack. After we packed our stuff, we went down to the pier and dro­ve to the other side of the Eder­see. We all met our sai­ling ins­truc­tors at the sai­ling school. The wal­king group wal­ked a sun­ny way to the zoo. It was too hot, so a lot of child­ren bought an ice in the shop. At the same time, the sai­ling group set up their boats, and dro­ve a long hard trip. It was very fun­ny, and some child­ren jum­ped or fell into the Eder­see. The wal­king group also had lots of fun. They stro­ked an owl and held it. At our lunch break, we had a Bar­be­que, and then every group did their acti­vi­ties, or went to play­ground. In the evening, we went back home and rela­xed until the din­ner began. After din­ner, we cal­led our fami­ly and did lots of fun­ny, cool thinks. Some child­ren play­ed tog­e­ther some exi­ting card games. Then we went to bed. 


On Fri­day, we woke up at seven o´clock, tidi­ed our rooms and made our­sel­ves rea­dy for the day. We went in groups to have break­fast and could choo­se bet­ween dif­fe­rent breads and mar­ma­lades. We were hun­gry and enjoy­ed our break­fast. After­wards we went back to the sum­mer­house to take our lug­ga­ge from our rooms to the ground floor.

Then we wal­ked to the sum­mer tobog­gan run and had lots of fun. Ever­yo­ne recei­ved two tickets. Some of us recei­ved one addi­tio­nal ticket becau­se they did some­thing good during our class trip. Ever­yo­ne slid twice or three times. Some of us used our money to buy even more tickets.

At one o´clock, our coach came and picked us up from the sum­mer tobog­gan run to take us back to the sum­mer­house. The­re we loa­ded our enti­re lug­ga­ge into the coach and star­ted out trip to Wies­ba­den. During the trip we were not allo­wed to eat on the coach. Our mood was very good; some child­ren were very tired and almost fell asleep.

We had lots of traf­fic and stood on the high­way for a while. Final­ly, three hours later we arri­ved back in Wies­ba­den. Our fami­lies were alre­a­dy wai­ting for us and we were hap­py to see them again after 5 days.

We are loo­king for­ward to our next class trip.

Class 6c


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